Just to show folks that I do get out from time to
time. To expand the photos, click on the thumbnails.
Don't worry - all file sizes are under 16K. This won't take all day.

My first steelhead, a nice 12 lb. male, from Stony
Creek. Long, long ago. |
My favorite fishin' buddy, son Ryan, with a nice
Houghton Lake crappie. He catches more than his share of fish,
talking trash all the while. Pro's beware. |

Here he is again with his first steelhead (Spring
'98), a 10.5 lb. male from Lake Huron. |
This nice 9 lb. Northern Pike hit a golden shiner on a
tip-up. Houghton Lake. |
8 lb. Coho Salmon, 7lb. steelhead, from the Pere
Marquette River. |

Me and Ryan with a nice catch of Higgins Lake rainbow
and brown trout. You'll notice who's holding the most fish. |
Swamp monsters!! 4.5 lb. largemouth, 2 lb.
largemouth, and 5 lb. pike. Reedsburg Backwaters/Deadstream Swamp. |
10 lb. brown trout, 8 lb. steelhead, from Tawas Pier,
Lake Huron. |

Yeah, OK, so it's a carp. It's a biiig
carp. To see how big, click
Caught it on 6 lb. test, too. |
This one caused a bit of "discussion" at our
house. HER:
"There is no %&#@% way you're pasting my picture all over
the &#@!&% internet!" ME:
"But honey, I think you should be proud of your pair of 3 pound
smallies." HER:
"There is no %$#&@! way........". This is our
compromise. Hope you like it at least as much as she does. |

That's My Boy! |
Finally!!! This 14", 1.5 lb. perch was tops in
the perch category at the 2003 Tip Up Town. On display at Lyman's. |
Leroy's Tip
Like take out pizza? Save those boxes! Pizza boxes
make the best fish cleaning platforms that I know of. Much easier
than cleaning on newspaper, and they don't easily leak through,
making clean up a snap.
Leroy's Tip #2
To use ESB with high tech lines (which are usually
very limp), use a foot long piece of our old friend scrap mono with a
loop knot tied in one end. Thread the free end through the bobber,
leaving the loop above the stop bead. Thread a foot of high tech
through the loop and use the looped mono to pull it through the bobber.
