Here's some more. And, yes, there are walleyes on this page. To expand the photos, click on the thumbnails.  To return, use your browser's back button. Once again, all file sizes are under 16K.  You won't age appreciably waiting for them to load, but you may have to squint a little.

These beautiful rainbows (8.5 & 5 lbs.) were caught in fall '98 on Higgins Lake, using ESB's.

Here's older son, Ian, with a nice 12 inch perch from Houghton Lake. He doesn't really like fishing (I don't know why - he catches a lot), but his little brother's burgeoning web presence has him envious.

My wife, sister, and brother-in-law teamed up with me to take these 16 walleyes from Houghton Lake. Summer '98. ESB prototypes were a significant factor.

Ryan got this gorgeous 4 lb. smallie on Houghton Lake 2 years ago. Bass fisherpersons, take note - there are lots of these in Houghton Lake. With plenty of walleyes and panfish to eat, we let most of them go. This one, however, wound up on the wall.

Both my boys with some nice Houghton Lake bluegills. Graphic proof that we could achieve world peace if everyone fished.

Maybe the finest morning of fishing I've ever had. In the space of 4 hours, I caught 3 dozen rock bass, 2 dozen pike, 8 walleyes, 8 crappies, 4 bass, and some bluegills. This is what I kept. The big walleye is over 5 lbs., large for Houghton Lake.

Brother-in-law Len, with a pretty 6 lb. rainbow trout from Higgins Lake. On a spawn bag suspended from an ESB.

Ryan and me with a heavy stringer of walleyes and crappies. Houghton Lake.

A very little Ian with a big 12.5 inch crappie. Houghton Lake.

Your typical Houghton Lake monster bluegill. There are lots of these here, too.

Sometimes, you gotta take what the lake will give you. This 8.5 lb. pike hit a minnow/ESB rig intended for a trout on Higgins Lake.

Hope you enjoyed the tour.

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